Astrid Kemper was born in Rotterdam the Netherlands. She attended teacher’s college, studied drawing and textile art and then went to art school majoring in Graphic Design. She lived in Evolène in Switzerland from 1982 till 1985. Later on she organised summer week-courses of drawing and hiking there. She was a trekking leader in the Alps and in the Himalayas in the 90’s. Astrid worked for 20 years as a free-lance graphic designer in Arnhem the Netherlands and she has been living in Germany since 2012.
- 2014-2015 Art geragogics programme at Bundesakademie in Wolfenbüttel
- Since 2014 participation in German speaking Urban Sketchers
- Since 2013 teaching Dutch at VHS Bad Homburg
- 2013-2016 leading Art-Studio at European School (Bad Vilbel)
- 2016-2017 art teacher at European school art trip to the Netherlands
- 2018 and 2016 Exhibition at KunstWerkStadt, Bad Homburg
- 2015-2018 Work as Art geragogist in Haus Luise, Bad Homburg and Haus am Urselbach, Oberursel
- 2019 performing a 5-days course Urban Sketching at MK24 in Amsterdam
- 2019 Exhibition ‘Kunstwechsel’ in Siegen
- Since 2011 Setting up and teaching several 4 days outdoor drawing courses in Holland and Germany and two weeks summer holiday drawing courses in Switserland (Valais)
- Since 2016 Several art-courses at VHS Bad Homburg (Urban Sketching, landscape drawing and artgeragogics)
- Since 2018 art courses at ‘Kunstschule’ Kronberg (Landscape drawing, Urban Sketching, Printing)
- 2020 Exhibition ‘Gipfelspuren’ at Wohlfühlhaus, Bad Homburg
- 2021 autonomous publication from a book with drawings and a story in 4 languages